Last night was Super Bowl 46. In America, pretty much every person watches the Super Bowl. What is the Super Bowl, you ask. Well...

Wikipedia always has a pretty good answer:
Or here's the real website:

Here's some news about it:

And most importantly, here's where you can check out the commercials:

Happy Super Bowl learning! 
You don't have to care about Guildford Dudley. I do though. Since I was in high school, I have loved studying British history. When I was a high school senior I had dreams of moving to England and forgetting America. I was obsessed with everything British. Now I'm very proud of being American and for some reason, I keep coming back to Ukraine. Some of my friends call Ukraine my second country. The other day, my brother wrote that I was "quasi-Ukrainian." It's all good though. 

Now about Guildford Dudley. He was a British bloke that... you might as well read the Wikipedia article if you really want to know. (

As for why I'm thinking about Guildford Dudley today of all days... that's because I'm watching Lady Jane, a movie about Lady Jane Grey and Mr. Dudley. ( It's pretty awesome. I'm a fan at least. 

Have a good one!

Hey folks! I hope you are all doing well. It's a little cold outside these days. UGH! Ok... to be honest, the other day I got really excited about the snow. I like that it's so crunchy so that I can hear it crunch under my boots when I walk. This is the good stuff. I'll be grumpy when it starts to melt and Ternopil will look like a muddy slushy. (Check out slush or slushy here: 

My mom has been checking on the weather over here and she says you should all bundle up! (

See you soon! 
I posted the list of oral presentations and who is presenting under the syllabus for each group. Please refer to this document if you forget what you signed up for.