Hello dear students. It was a delight to meet you this morning. I hope that you enjoyed our introductory session. I have an assignment for you to complete and e-mail me or submit via the contact page on this website. It is called assignment1 on the forms page if you wish to download it and turn in a paper copy. Otherwise, you may download the form here, answer the questions, and e-mail it back to me. I'm excited to be working with you this year. 

I will also include the questions in the body of this post. 
·      What is your full name? What is your group number?

·      What do you like to do for fun?

·      Do you have any brothers and sisters? Where do they live?

·      Write one thing you love about Ukraine.

·      Why do you like studying English?

·      Have you ever travelled abroad? What did you enjoy about this experience?

·      What are you the most excited about learning in the fourth course?

·      Tell me about your most exciting day or event of the summer.

·      Write a short and interesting story about yourself. (examples: embarrassing moment, best birthday ever, etc.)

I'm looking forward to you answers. This assignment is due by Monday, September 12th at 9 PM. If you can turn it in earlier, that is even better for you. Thanks. 

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