To: All 4th year students in Sharece’s English classes

From: Sharece M. Bunn, Adjunct Professor at TNPU

Date: March 1st, 2012

Re: the writing competition points as described on your syllabus

I have decided to change the amount of points awarded for the writing competition. Those of you who entered will have your essays graded and will be awarded points for completing the assignment and entering the competition. However, the points you earn will be counted as “extra-credit” points. Kudos to those who completed the assignment as asked. All participants in the competition were rewarded with English reading materials. Thanks.

The fifty points for the writing competition will be refigured. You will be able to earn up to those fifty points by completing the various assignments I have been giving you for homework or different in-class assignments.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  

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