·      Language of flowers (few words, lots of actions)
·      Monarchy; head of the kingdom is Queen Rose XXV from the family of Chamomile.
·      Rose Bush City is the capital. (The name depends on who rules the country at the time)
·      The main commerce is perfume and the production of nectar.
·      The national food is sunbeams, air and water.
·      The religion is Florigion (the first day of the season is the time to pray to the sun beams).
·      The Motto is “Men of deeds and not of words.”
·      The silliest law in the kingdom is that the last petal can’t fall until 6 PM on the last Sunday of the last summer month.

The Elite laws of the Kingdom of Forget-me-not are:

1.     Always smell good.
2.     Drink water not vodka, wine, or cola.
3.     You must sunbathe and not take water baths.
4.     You must cooperate with bees.
5.     Always smile.

This is their national anthem:

Oh flower land, oh sunny land
Where wind and rain are funny
We smell and look like modern band
And are cute like rabbits and bunnies
We ask you to come and sing with us
In our magic kingdom
You can find a love and loyal trust and real dear freedom.

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