Hi guys. This has been a busy week. I've enjoyed meeting all of you during our lessons and reading your homework assignments is a pleasure as well. Please remember to put your name on every assignment you turn in. Sometimes, you may e-mail your work from a friend's account and I need to make sure I give you credit for your work. 

I also wanted to remind you guys that there are two English clubs at the library in the center of Ternopil. The English movie club is on Wednesdays at 4:30 and the other English club is at 5:00 on Thursdays. It would be great to see you guys there. 
I had some great first lessons with some of you this morning. I look forward to meeting with the rest of you soon. I have received assignment one from many of you and will be grading them later this week. Though I sent assignment overviews and the grading breakdown to both 43.1 and 42.3, some of you may not have received the emails. That is because I do not have the proper email for you. Please send me your proper email by the end of the week. 

Also, if you like watching movies, please consider joining me for movie club at the Windows on America Center in the central library in Ternopil. We will be watching Remember the Titans. I really love this movie and hope you will join. 
Lessons are starting today. I wanted to let you know about your next two assignments. Assignments two and three are on the semester one tab of this website. Assignment two is due on Thursday, September 15th at 9 PM. Assignment three is due by 9 PM on Monday, September 19th. You can finish them earlier if you'd like. I'm looking forward to getting going with our lessons. See you soon. 
Hey guys! I posted the assignment grading breakdown and descriptions of assignments for unit one under the semester one tab. We can talk about this in your lessons this week. You are free to do some of the assignments earlier than the due date. I'd actually recommend that you get things done early. It'll make it easier for you as you head into your practicum later this fall. 

Here's a heads up for your first lesson. We're going to dive into work right away, but we'll have time at the end of class for questions. Be thinking of things you might want to know about me, our course load, questions about assignments, etc. I'd also love to hear more about all of you. I'm enjoying your responses to assignment one. 

See you soon!
Thus far, I have only received one assignment. This first assignment should be pretty easy and is due by 9 PM this evening. You will get partial credit if you turn in the assignment by the end of the week. 

I'm looking forward to starting our lessons this week. Please be ready to dive in and get to work right away. During our first lesson, I will reserve time at the end of the lesson for questions and any explanations about my expectations for the semester. 

Have a great Monday. 
Hello dear students. It was a delight to meet you this morning. I hope that you enjoyed our introductory session. I have an assignment for you to complete and e-mail me or submit via the contact page on this website. It is called assignment1 on the forms page if you wish to download it and turn in a paper copy. Otherwise, you may download the form here, answer the questions, and e-mail it back to me. I'm excited to be working with you this year. 

I will also include the questions in the body of this post. 
·      What is your full name? What is your group number?

·      What do you like to do for fun?

·      Do you have any brothers and sisters? Where do they live?

·      Write one thing you love about Ukraine.

·      Why do you like studying English?

·      Have you ever travelled abroad? What did you enjoy about this experience?

·      What are you the most excited about learning in the fourth course?

·      Tell me about your most exciting day or event of the summer.

·      Write a short and interesting story about yourself. (examples: embarrassing moment, best birthday ever, etc.)

I'm looking forward to you answers. This assignment is due by Monday, September 12th at 9 PM. If you can turn it in earlier, that is even better for you. Thanks. 

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I'm so excited to be working with all of you this year. English is a fantastic language to learn. I love speaking and teaching English and I hope this year of us working together is wonderful and helpful for you. I've been looking for an inspiration quote to share with you as we start this new journey together. Here it is. 

"A single spark can start a prairie fire." 

We're all teachers. We are dedicating our lives to inspiring young people. Let's remember this quote when we are teaching and we feel as if we are talking to the walls. Some days may be rough, but if we get that one spark, that one light bulb to light up in our students, we will succeed. Keep working guys. I'll write more soon.